All songs on THE SECRET OF NATURE IS PATIENCE were written, arranged & produced
by Rudolf Könen between 2018 and 2021.
Acoustic & electric guitars, vocals, bass, keyboards, percussion & rhythm things, cello,
special effects & all noises performed & recorded by Rudolf Könen.
Cover painting “Geduld“ by Aleksandra Prodanovic.
Graphic design by Rudolf Könen.
CHRASS Records (LC 01504), catalogue no. chr cd 013
Released in August 2021
Special thanks to Aleksandra Prodanovic for creating
this wonderful cover picture!
Melodymaker, songwriter,
singer and acoustic guitarist.
My music moves between
easy going folk and wide harmonic
soundscapes,betweensongs in
English, instrumental pieces
and songs in German.

Liederschreiber, Sänger
und Akustikgitarrist.
Meine Musik bewegt sich zwischen locker-leichtem Folk und weiten harmonischen Klanglandschaften, zwischen Songs, Instrumentals und Liedern.
On my solo albums A Life In All Colours, Under The Surface,
Harvest Sun, The Secret Of Nature Is Patience, Ohrenweide and in die Welt I present melodic original compositions in a harmonious, warm sound similar to the pop music of the seventies.
You can find my singles and albums on Bandcamp,
Soundcloud and on Spotify, Deezer, Napster etc. .
I'm also a singer and guitarist in the songwriting duo SIT'n'RUDI.
Auf meinen Soloalben A Life In All Colours, Under The Surface,
Harvest Sun, The Secret Of Nature Is Patience, Ohrenweide und
in die Welt präsentiere ich melodiöse Eigenkompositionen in einem harmonisch-warmen Klangbild ähnlich der Popmusik der Siebziger Jahre. Singles und Alben gibt es auf Bandcamp und auf Soundcloud zu hören, außerdem auf Spotify, Deezer, Napster etc.
Außerdem bin ich Sänger und Gitarrist im Songwriterduo SIT'n'RUDI.